
[Tailor-Made Macintosh Consultancy & Support] A Mac guru and a graphic communication design professional with 20+ years experience working in multinational environments in both Hong Kong and the PRC. Thorough understanding in the application of Mac computing in graphic design, DTP, digital imaging, pre-press and printing. Strong in strategic design thinking, problem solving skills and Mac technology in the creative and production process.

09 August 2005

The best FTP for the Mac OS

Long time ago I already wanted to recommend Transmit, but it seems that this review from FrostyPlace is so exhaustive.

03 August 2005

Find the lyrics... automatically!

Launch iTunes and play your favorite track, then launch pearLyrics and it will automatically check what track iTunes is playing, and will find the song's lyrics for you. Or you can also enter the song's name to find the lyrics just like a normal program.

With a clean interface, the program is extremely easy to use. It is delivered in the form of a standalone application as well as a Tiger widget. Again, it's free!