
[Tailor-Made Macintosh Consultancy & Support] A Mac guru and a graphic communication design professional with 20+ years experience working in multinational environments in both Hong Kong and the PRC. Thorough understanding in the application of Mac computing in graphic design, DTP, digital imaging, pre-press and printing. Strong in strategic design thinking, problem solving skills and Mac technology in the creative and production process.

06 October 2011

Thank you, and R.I.P

Without Steve Jobs, there would be no Mac-Consult.

24 September 2011

Welcome to HK, Apple Store

The evening before official opening.

The moving queue on opening day.

03 May 2011

Envy me 2

1 year ago, I had this 16GB wi-fi entry model. 1 year later today, I have this 64GB wi-fi + 3G top model!

21 March 2011

轉售未開封全新iPad 2

仲等緊二佬話我知佢今次美國之行幫我買唔買到iPad 2,已經有人揾我幫拒放風賣機。而加有未開封既全新iPad 2:全部都係16 GB既白色wi-fi版,無3G,現售HK$6,300,最多賣四部。有興趣者請email我或者留email。


我自己會等32或者64 GB既3G版。

另外出售第一代iPad既未開封全新Camera Connection Kit,賣HK$200。有興趣者請email我或者留email。

03 March 2011

Watching Macworld's live coverage on the iPad 2 Launch

Glad to see Steve Jobs on stage, again!

01 March 2011

Installing Adobe CS5

Bought CS5 Design Premium (Student & Teacher Edition) at HK$1,180 -- a real bargain indeed!

24 April 2010

Envy me!


P.S. Thank you, Cheong!